Missing Sync for Windows MobileがアップデートしたけどWM5.0には未だ未対応


私のようなMac OnlyユーザーにはpocketPCなどのデバイスには欠かせないMissing Sync for Windows Mobileですが、UNIを購入時からsyncはあきらめていたのですがアップデートはすぐしてくれると願をかけてレジストしました。しかしながら未だ未サポート。ガックリ。

4. SUPPORT: What About Windows Mobile 5 Device Support?

Earlier this year, Microsoft announced Windows Mobile 5 (WM5), the successor
to their Windows Mobile 2003 operating system. Pocket PCs and smartphones
running WM5 are now shipping from a variety of hardware manufacturers.

Unfortunately, The Missing Sync for Windows Mobile does not yet support
devices running WM5. Microsoft made significant changes to how these devices
connect with a computer, requiring Mark/Space to develop a new connection
method in order to support these new devices.

We are working hard to add WM5 support, which will be released as part of a
free update to The Missing Sync for Windows Mobile v2.0. We will announce
here on the markspace-announce list as soon as the update is ready.

For more information on upcoming support for WM5 devices, check out the FAQ
at the Mark/Space website
